Infans EWS
AI-powered barcode reader excels in challenging environments with a patented algorithm that enhances your existing witness system. Enjoy reduced human error, quick and easy implementation, no hardware modifications, and increased patient trust.
Enhance your existing witnessing system with our complementary solution, featuring optional integration with a patented AI algorithm. WISE aids embryologists with AI-powered visual confirmation for thawed embryos, assisting in error detection.
Enhance your existing witnessing system with our complementary solution, featuring optional integration with a patented AI algorithm. WISE aids embryologists with AI-powered visual confirmation for thawed embryos, assisting in error detection.
Features & Benefits

AI-Powered Barcode Reader
Barcode scanning without additional lighting source
Dynamic auto-focus
Robust and Configurable Software
Integrateable with IVF EMR & AI-powered embryo image identification (WISE)
Integration with Patented AI Algorithm (Option)
WISE tool assist embryologists in error detection